Family Picture Day November 2014

Family Picture Day November 2014
Kids Laughing at Mommy and Daddy Kissing

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Our April 2013

Seriously... Can the months go any faster!! This month has been a roller coaster of emotions. April 3rd Baron signed the papers to become the Project Director of Sales and Marketing of Lake Tahoe for Worldmark Wyndham after a 7 interview process. Wow!!! He is Amazing and I love him!! He will be an Amazing in this type of Leadership!! He is the BEST and the kids and I are so PROUD of him!
Baron started in Lake Tahoe on the 5th of April. He drove on the 4th 7 hours in his truck to get there. The kids and I stayed in Vegas. There wasn't enough time to get everything ready to move our family in such a short notice. The kids and I miss our Daddy terribly but it was a short time to be apart. Baron was back on the 7th Wyndham flew him back to see us. The kids and I made posters welcome home posters for Daddy. Brecklyn said," You need to draw a picture of our family with a rainbow and white cloud." I thought that was too cute!!
I was able to get one of our babysitter Megan to watch the kids so Baron and I could go out one last night in Vegas together before we moved. I picked Baron up from the airport I was so EXCITED to have him home!! Even though we packed the entire time.
On the last night before Baron flew back to Tahoe we went to dinner to Chuck e Cheese as a family. After dinner we said bye to Daddy again for 4 days. We missed Daddy being gone but then 4 days after he came back. We packed the house and on 15th of April my Dad flew into Vegas on the 15th.
We drove to Lake Tahoe April 16th Baron drove one moving truck, my Dad drove the other and I drove the kids. The kids were Amazing on the drive from Las Vegas to Tahoe. It took us almost 10 hours.
Then when we arrived at the house our ward helped us unload the moving trucks. Tahoe is a beautiful place with great people. My Dad stayed for a couple of days to help me unpack while Baron went back to work.
On the last day my Dad was here we all went to breakfast in Lake Tahoe at Ihop. Tahoe is so beautiful with the big pine trees, tall mountain peaks and a beautiful lake. I am thankful that my Dad came to help!
Dad flew back to Utah and that same day Aunt Heio and her niece Krislyn flew in to help us get settled. We had fun unpacking and working hard.
One of the days we took the kids to the aquatic center by our house. Baron and Brecklyn jumped off the diving board for the first time. They loved it!! They did it over and over they looked so cute in their little googles.
The last night they were here we drove to Barons office. Baron show all of us his office for the first time. The kids loved checking their Daddy's office. Then we went to the lake took some pictures. It is an Amazing place. Then we all went to dinner.
The next morning I took Heidi and Krislyn to the airport with all the kids. Seriously my family is the BEST could have not done it without them!!
Now still unpacking boxes trying to get settled. I registered Baron and Brecklyn for preschool on Monday 22nd they started on the the 24th. They are in the same class again. They were Excited to go and explore there new school. After school we got all packed for Utah. Then I packed the car so we were ready for a 10 hour drive when Daddy got home from work. I think when we get back home I will be good on road trips for a long while.... I just want to get back to my routine which is being a mom, taking the kids to fun places,cooking, cleaning, taking the kids to sports, dance, going to the gym and finding a good babysitter for date night. This has been one CRAZY EXHAUSTING month!!! I want to stay put for now ;))
We made it to Mark and Taylor's wedding on the 26th of April. What a beautiful day for a beautiful couple. They were married in the Salt Lake City Temple like Baron and I were. Such a beautiful place. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins. After the wedding and wedding breakfast we are headed back to Tahoe. It's a long drive... Baron needed to get back to work so were weren't able to stay for the reception. I wish that we could have stayed longer but happy for the time we were able to spend together as a family!
Here is what the kids have been up to for the month. Baron played his last baseball game he was able to play pitcher. It is his favorite position to play. He loves chasing the ball and throwing it to first base. He also had his last soccer game he made a goal! So proud of him. He is becoming quite the athlete! When we were packing in Vegas Baron and I order subs for one of the nights. Little Bear came downstairs when we thought he was sleeping. He saw the sub and wanted a bite. He gobbled up the whole thing sitting on the couch. Seriously so cute!!
Brecklyn has been saying silly things I was brushing her hair and she was putting rubber bands on the toothbrushes I said," Sissy what are you doing?" She said,"I am putting necklaces on my toothbrushes they are movie stars and they need their necklaces!" The kids got into the snickers candy for breakfast. Sissy said,"Mommy we don't need your help! We can get breakfast all by ourselves!" She is a silly one!
Brightlyn is so funny she is my little shadow. When Baron and Sissy are at school she loves to bring her backpack with her lunch box and have her snack I the car after I drop the kids off. She loves saying,"Mommy what are we going to do today?" When we go to the store she becomes very bashful and feisty at the same time around other people. Everyone thinks she is so cute and they will try to talk to her and she gives them a look like "Why are you talking to me, I don't know you!"She is such a cutie!
Braycen is getting too BIG too Fast!! He started scooting on the first and started to crawl the 13th. He feels as big as his brother and sisters. He has started to feed himself finger food. He loves saying Dada and he said Bear Bear! He loves giving 5's. I say Braycen give me 5 and he does, so stinkin cute! He gives the best hugs he loves hugging me around my neck! What a cuddlier!
This month has been a crazy one! I will miss Vegas. Having my Family and good friends around. It was really nice to see my Mom everyday and have her so involved with my kids. Tutu spoils us! We have had fun going to sports, lunch dates, picking the kids up from school. We all miss her! We will miss our date nights with Nick and Sheena. Miss having Auty to play with. Miss my family and good friends.
For now we are trying to adapt to country life. Trying to get back to our normal life. Baron and Brecklyn rode their 1st bus ride April 29th. They are getting so big! It is fun to see my kids new adventures through their eyes. On the 30th Baron started to built the kids 3rd swing set! We have had to sell them every time we move. He is Amazing!! I love my Family!

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